
Monday, September 30, 2013

Cupcake Gift Card Holder

Hello, today I thought I would share a cupcake gift card holder I made. I have seen so many of these pretty gift card holders out there on the web that I thought I had to try and make one.  Now, I was completely rushing through the whole creative process so this could have turned out much better.  But since I was in a big hurry I don't think it came out to bad :) 
Since I honestly didn't know how it was going to turn out I did not take photos of the creative process. I did find instructions to make the cupcake gift card holder here.  There is also a YouTube video(s) with step by step instructions.  Thank you to these two awesome ladies for sharing the instructions! I appreciate it so much :) Click here for Teresa Black's YouTube video.

I didn't make the base from scratch as in the video since I was pressed for time so I used what I had on hand.  I used a cup and cut it down to size (see picture above).  I glued the foam ball inside the foam cup (larger piece).  To make the pink and white frosting I used Stampin Up card stock in 1 1/2 strips (I would cut them smaller to maybe 1" strips if I was going to make this again). I wet the card stock and crinkled it all up into a ball.  I than carefully stretched the card stock out and shaped it around the foam ball.  Once I was pleased with how it looked on the foam ball I carefully removed the wet crinkled card stock and put it aside to dry. I also used ribbon as the base of the frosting.  I used hot glue to adhere everything together.  Use your imagination and get really creative on the decorations. You could use flowers, ribbons, buttons, beads, etc. I used a small binder clip to hold the gift card and glued a plastic cherry to it.

I hope this post inspires you to give this adorable gift card holder a try. Thanks for stopping by!

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